Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Toy Spotlight

It looks like Hasbro will be releasing some highly detailed action figures under a new label.....Black Series. They are said to be sticking predominately to original trilogy characters with a few major players from the prequels. Wave one is set to be released in August and will include the X Wing pilot Luke (pictured below), Darth Maul, R2 D2, and a Sandtrooper. A bit of a random assortment for wave one.

I'm looking forward to seeing what some of the other characters will look like. I'm also glad these don't come out until August. This gives me a few months to decide if I want to collect them! =)


  1. The way I see it, it gives me a few months to sell off non-essential figures to make some funds and shelf space... It'll be a long seven months (in toy world) though!

  2. Lol, I actually just sold off a few items to make room for new stuff. I would love to collect this series but I know they will end up making tons of them and I'll have no space for them all. Will you open yours or keep them mint in box? Decisions decisions!

  3. I'll need a Stromtrooper. And maybe the droids - R2 for sure!

  4. I am also quite interested in these..... I need a bigger man cave!
